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Straight-Line Generator Linkages

Writer's picture: Saleh RzayevSaleh Rzayev

Figures 1 to 2 illustrate examples of classical linkages capable of describing straight lines, a function useful in many different kinds of machines, particularly machine tools. The dimensions of the rigid links are important for the proper functioning of these mechanisms.

Watt’s straight-line generator, illustrated in Fig. 1, can describe a short vertical straight line. Equal length links AB and CD are hinged at A and D, respectively. The midpoint E of connecting link BC traces a figure eight pattern over the full mechanism excursion, but a straight line is traced in part of the excursion because point E diverges to the left at the top of the stroke and to the right at the bottom of the stroke. This linkage was used by Scottish instrument maker, James Watt, in a steam-driven beam pump in about 1769, and it was a prominent mechanism in early steam-powered machines.

Fig 1: Watt’s straight-line generator: The center point E of link BC describes a straight line when driven by either links AB or CD.

Scott Russell straight-line generator, shown in Fig. 2, can also describe a straight line. Link AB is hinged at point A and pinned to link CD at point B. Link CD is hinged to a roller at point C which restricts it to horizontal oscillating movement. This configuration confines point D to a motion that traces a vertical straight line. Both points A and C lie in the same horizontal plane. This linkage works if the length of link AB is about 40 percent of the length of CD, and the distance between points D and B is about 60 percent of the length of CD.

Fig 2: Scott Russell straight-line generator: Point D of link DC describes a straight line as driver link AB oscillates, causing the slider at C to reciprocate left and right.

Peaucellier’s straight-line linkage, drawn as Fig. 3, can describe more precise straight lines over its range than either the Watt’s or Scott Russell linkages. To make this linkage work correctly, the length of link BC must equal the distance between points A and B set by the spacing of the fixed pivots; in this figure, link BC is 15 units long while the lengths of links CD, DF, FE, and EC are equal at 20 units. As links AD and AE are moved, point F can describe arcs of any radius. However, the linkage can be restricted to tracing straight lines (infinite radiuses) by selecting link lengths for AD and AE. In this figure they are 45 units long. This linkage was invented in 1873 by the French engineer, Captain Charles-Nicolas Peaucellier.

Fig 3: Peaucellier’s straight-line generator: Point F describes a straight line when either link AD or AE acts as the driver.

Tchebicheff’s straight-line generator, shown in Fig. 4, can also describe a horizontal line. Link CB with E as its midpoint traces a straight horizontal line for most of its transit as links AB and DC are moved to the left and right of center. To describe this straight line, the length of the foundation link AD must be twice the length of link CB. To make this mechanism work as a straight-line generator, CB is 10 units long, AD is 20 units long, and both AB and DC are 25 units long. With these dimensions, link CB will assume a vertical position when it is at the right and left extremes of its travel excursion. This linkage was invented by nineteenth-century Russian mathematician, Pafnuty Tchebicheff or Chebyshev.

Fig 4: Tchebicheff’s straight-line generator: Point E of link CB describes a straight line when driven by either link AB or DC. Link CB moves into a vertical position at both extremes of its travel.

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