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  • Writer's pictureSaleh Rzayev

Specialized Mechanisms

Geneva wheel mechanism, illustrated in Fig. 1, is an example of intermittent gearing that converts continuous rotary motion into intermittent rotary motion. Geneva wheel C makes a quarter turn for every turn of lever AB attached to driving wheel A. When pin B on lever AB turns clockwise, it enters one of the four slots of geneva wheel C; the pin moves downward in the slot, applying enough torque to the geneva wheel to turn it counterclockwise 1/4 revolution before it leaves the slot. As wheel A continues to rotate clockwise, it engages the next three slots in a sequence to complete one geneva wheel rotation. If one of the slots is obstructed, the pin can only move through part of the revolution, in either direction, before it strikes the closed slot, stopping the rotation of the geneva wheel. This mechanism has been used in mechanical windup watches, clocks, and music boxes to prevent overwinding.

Fig 1: Geneva wheel escapement mechanism: Pin B at the end of lever AB (attached to wheel A) engages a slot in geneva wheel C as wheel A rotates clockwise. Pin B moves down the slot, providing torque to drive the geneva wheel counterclockwise 1/4 revolution before it exits the first slot; it then engages the next three slots to drive the geneva wheel through one complete counterclockwise revolution.

Swing-arm quick-return mechanism, drawn as Fig. 2, converts rotary motion into nonuniform reciprocating motion. As drive link AB rotates 360° around pin A, it causes the slider at B to reciprocate up and down along link CD. This, in turn, causes CD to oscillate left and right, describing an arc. Link DE, pinned to D with a rolling slider pinned at E, moves slowly to the right before being returned rapidly to the left.

Fig 2: Swing-arm quick-return mechanism: As drive link AB rotates 360° around A, it causes the slider at B to reciprocate up and down along link CD, causing CD to oscillate though an arc. This motion drives link DE in a reciprocating motion that moves the rolling slider at E slowly to the right before returning it rapidly to the left.

Whitworth quick-return mechanism, shown as Fig. 3, converts rotary motion to nonuniform reciprocating motion. Drive link AB rotates 360° about pin A causing the slider at B to reciprocate back and forth along link CD; this, in turn, causes link CD to rotate 360° around point C. Link DE is pinned to link CD at D and a rolling slider at E. The slider at E is moved slowly to the right before being returned rapidly to the left. This mechanism, invented in the nineteenth century by English engineer, Joseph Whitworth, has been adapted for shapers, machine tools with moving arms that cut metal from stationary workpieces. A hardened cutting tool attached at the end of the arm (equivalent to point E) advances slowly on the cutting stroke but retracts rapidly on the backstroke. This response saves time and improves productivity in shaping metal.

Fig 3: Whitworth’s quick-return mechanism: As drive link AB rotates 360° around A, it causes the slider at B to reciprocate back and forth along link CD, which, in turn causes CD to rotate 360° around C. This, motion causes link DE to reciprocate, first moving rolling slider at E slowly to the right before returning it rapidly to the left.

Simple ratchet mechanism, drawn as Fig. 4, can only be turned in a counterclockwise direction. The ratchet wheel has many wedge-shaped teeth that can be moved incrementally to turn an oscillating drive lever. As driving lever AB first moves clockwise to initiate counterclockwise movement of the wheel, it drags pawl C pinned at B over one or more teeth while pawl D prevents the wheel from turning clockwise. Then, as lever AB reverses to drive the ratchet wheel counterclockwise, pawl D is released, allowing the wheel to turn it in that direction. The amount of backward incremental motion of lever AB is directly proportional to pitch of the teeth: smaller teeth will reduce the degree of rotation while larger teeth will increase them. The contact surfaces of the teeth on the wheel are typically inclined, as shown, so they will not be disengaged if the mechanism is subjected to vibration or shock under load. Some ratchet mechanisms include a spring to hold pawl D against the teeth to assure no clockwise wheel rotation as lever AB is reset.

Fig 4: This ratchet wheel can be turned only in a counterclockwise direction. As driving lever AB moves clockwise, it drags pawl C, pinned at B over one or more teeth while pawl D prevents the wheel from turning clockwise. Then as lever AB reverses to drive the ratchet wheel counterclockwise, pawl D is released allowing the wheel to turn it in that direction.

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