Slider-crank mechanism (or a simple crank), shown as Fig. 1, converts rotary to linear motion and vice versa, depending on its application. Link AB is free to rotate 360° around the hinge while link BC oscillates back and forth because point C is hinged to a roller which restricts it to linear motion. Either the slider or the rotating link AB can be the driver.
This mechanism is more familiar as the piston, connecting rod, and crankshaft of an internal combustion engine, as illustrated in Fig. 1. The piston is the slider at C, the connecting rod is link BC, and the crankshaft is link AB. In a four-stroke engine, the piston is pulled down the cylinder by the crankshaft, admitting the air-fuel mixture; in the compression stroke the piston is driven back up the cylinder by the crankshaft to compress the air-fuel mixture. However, the roles change in the combustion stroke when the piston drives the crankshaft. Finally, in the exhaust stroke the roles change again as the crankshaft drives the piston back to expel the exhaust fumes.

Fig 1: Slider-crank mechanism: This simple crank converts the 360° rotation of driver link AB into linear motion of link BC, causing the slider at C to reciprocate.
Scotch-yoke mechanism, pictured in Fig. 2, functions in a manner similar to that of the simple crank mechanism except that its linear output motion is sinusoidal. As wheel A, the driver, rotates, the pin or roller bearing at its periphery exerts torque within the closed yoke B; this causes the attached sliding bar to reciprocate, tracing a sinusoidal waveform. Part a shows the sliding bar when the roller is at 270°, and part b shows the sliding bar when the roller is at 0°.

Fig 2: Scotch-yoke mechanism translates the rotary motion of the wheel with a peripheral roller into reciprocating motion of the yoke with supporting bars as the roller exerts torque within the yoke. The yoke is shown in its left (270°) position in (a) and in its center (0°) position in (b).
Rotary-to-linear mechanism, drawn in Fig. 3, converts a uniform rotary motion into an intermittent reciprocating motion. The three teeth of the input rotor contact the steps in the frame or yoke, exerting torque 3 times per revolution, moving the yoke with attached bar. Full linear travel of the yoke is accomplished in 30° of rotor rotation followed by a 30° delay before returning the yoke. The reciprocating cycle is completed 3 times per revolution of the input. The output is that of a step function.

Fig 3: Rotary-to-linear mechanism converts the uniform rotation of the 3-tooth rotor into a reciprocating motion of the frame and supporting bars. The reciprocating cycle is completed 3 times per rotor revolution.