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  • Writer's pictureSaleh Rzayev

Linkages for Transport Mechanisms

Transport mechanisms generally move material. The motion, although unidirectional, gives an intermittent advancement to the material being conveyed. The essential characteristic of such a motion is that all points in the main moving members follow similar and equal paths. This is necessary so that the members can be subdivided into sections with projecting parts. The purpose of the projections is to push the articles during the forward motion of the material being transported. The transport returns by a different path from the one it followed in its advancement, and the material is left undisturbed until the next cycle begins. During this period of rest, while the transport is returning to its starting position, various operations can be performed sequentially. The selection of the particular transport mechanism best suited to any situation depends, to some degree, on the arrangement that can be obtained for driving the materials and the path desired. A slight amount of overtravel is always required so that the projection on the transport can clear the material when it is going into position for the advancing stroke. The designs illustrated here have been selected from many sources and are typical of the simplest solutions of such problems. The paths, as indicated in these illustrations, can be varied by changes in the cams, levers, and associated parts. Nevertheless, the customary cut-and-try method might still lead to the best solution.

Image 1: In this design a rotary action is used. The shafts D rotate in unison and also support the main moving member. The shafts are carried in the frame of the machine and can be connected by either a link, a chain and sprocket, or by an intermediate idler gear between two equal gears keyed on the shafts. The rail A-A is fixed rigidly on the machine. A pressure or friction plate can hold the material against the top of the rail and prevent any movement during the period of rest.

Image 2: Here is a simple form of linkage that imparts a somewhat “egg-shaped” motion to the transport. The forward stroke is almost a straight line. The transport is carried on the connecting links. As in the design of Image 1, the shafts D are driven in unison and are supported in the frame of the machine. Bearings E are also supported by the frame of the machine and the rail A-A is fixed.

Image 3: In another type of action, the forward and return strokes are accomplished by a suitable mechanism, while the raising and lowering is imparted by a friction slide. Thus, it can be seen that as the transport supporting slide B starts to move to the left, the friction slide C, which rests on the friction rail, tends to remain at rest. As a result, the lifting lever starts to turn in a clockwise direction. This motion raises the transport which remains in its raised position against stops until the return stroke starts. At that time the reverse action begins. An adjustment should be provided to compensate for the friction between the slide and its rail. It can readily be seen that this motion imparts a long straight path to the transport.

Image 4: This drawing illustrates an action in which the forward motion is imparted by an eccentric while the raising and lowering of the transport is accomplished by a cam. The shafts, F, E, and D, are positioned by the frame of the machine. Special bell cranks support the transport and are interconnected by a tierod.

Image 5: This is another form of transport mechanism based on a link motion. The bearings C are supported by the frame as is the driving shaft D.

Image 6: An arrangement of interconnected gears with equal diameters that will impart a transport motion to a mechanism. The gear and link mechanism imparts both the forward motion and the raising and lowering motions. The gear shafts are supported in the frame of the machine.

Image 7: In this transport mechanism, the forward and return strokes are accomplished by the eccentric arms, while the vertical motion is performed by the cams.

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