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Our designs come to life on a piece of paper

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Discovery Meeting

Quote Estimation

Concept Approval

Final Approval

Delivery Finalization

We conduct site visits or video calls to gather information about a project and gain a deeper understanding of its vision, goals, and scope. This helps us identify key stakeholders and clarify the objectives of the project within the larger system. The more information we uncover during this meeting, the more likely we are to achieve success. Our aim is to deliver the maximum business value in the shortest possible time frame.
Using the information gathered during the discovery phase, we develop a customized solution that addresses the identified needs, fits within the overall system, and delivers value to your organization and team in the long term. Essentially, this means that we aim to provide a quick return on investment and additional value to your clients or processes.
After the project has been executed, we present an initial concept to you and your team for review. This step gives key stakeholders the opportunity to provide input on the design or analysis approach and address any misunderstandings before the final deliverable is completed. This helps ensure that the deliverable meets your needs and expectations.
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After the design or analysis process is completed, we hold a final meeting to present the solution and address any questions. This is an opportunity for you to see the final product and have it presented before receiving the contract deliverable (e.g., engineering report, drawing package, machine build, etc.). This helps ensure that you are satisfied with the final result.
Our team will hand over the contract deliverable to you.
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